Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Note Box

I have a note box, see, and it's full of all the notes my friends have ever written me, including letters. I dumped the whole thing out this morning, because I felt like going back over my past. OH, junior high. it was one great big memory trip. From boys to concerts to different boys to the little situations that used to stress me out, it was like a time machine. I can't believe how different I am now. Bamboozle Roadshow countdowns and Matts (more than one, oh gosh). Its nice to look back, but I wrote something down last night at about one in the morning. Once you've known something bigger, it's hard to go back to your small life. Isn't that right? Would I go back to the junior high days? Sorry, but HELL no. I miss some of the times, like our Big Countdown and the orchestra concerts and everything that went on last year. Track managers and Romeo and Juliet, it was nice. But I can't live in the past. Once it was nice to remember all the time, but I know I have to look forward.

Sorry, I know that was a lot of text to read, but its important to remember your past, as important as it is to move into the future.

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