Wednesday, March 3, 2010

To Do

I have oodles to do. But I'm taking time to blog it out, because I want to. I hate when I have no time to at least type a few lines. today, I have to really work hard. But that irresistible pull that the book on my bedside table has... It's really really hard to not just toss off all my responsibilities and find out what's going to happen next... Oh well.

What I don't understand is how someone can just NOT do their homework. I mean, its assigned for a reason. good grades are important to me, at least. Guess not to everyone, huh?

It's been an "oh well" kind of week.

I hate when you are talking to someone and it goes like this:
Me: Hi! We haven't talked.
You: I've been busy
Me: Right. But oh my goodness, guess what? Bamboozle Roadshow is coming back!
You: Okay.
Me: Don't you want to go?

Really? Don't even respond if you didn't want to talk. If I want to talk to you and you don't want to talk to me, fine. But don't make it so blatantly obvious. Please, and thank you.

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