Thursday, July 1, 2010

DaY Ten

Dear person I don't talk to as much as I'd like,

You know, you are many different people. I'm indesicive, I can't choose. I talk to you lots bot not really. Youre close but far away. YOu're not just one person. So I'm not naming names here, but I'd like to talk to all of you more.

YOu, we know everything about each other, and that's amazing. You're amazing. But I do miss you when we're between letters.

YOu, we used to be soooo tight, and we do text sometimes and stuff, but TALK is something we do not do a lot. We chat, we chill. Let's talk

You, who should be in a different category

You, who act like its a fucking chore to hang with me, unless there's something in it for you. You are also a different category, and I can't help you being both.

You (tu), who I love and I miss and its hard to talk to you because often I don't know what to say, except I do love you and I want to be there with you instead of over here. I want to give you kisses on the cheek and hugs because I'm essentially american. But you're far away and six hours time makes a difference.

Love always,

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