Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hush, you're colouring my eyes red

Sitting in my room (newly rearranged!) and listening to my Ipod on shuffle. If you know what song the title is refferring to, go you! Because that song is amazing. Tomorrow is my first day of the scary high school. I am somewhat worried, even though I know I have no real reason to be. If I get lost, the school is full of nice people who I can ask. I mean, really. Its not THAT hard. But I am feeling slightly ill about all the hard classes I decided to take. I have my summer projects done and in my backpack, and also we went school shopping today. I have new items in my closet. But I can't help feeling that I might not think its as great as other people say it is, and it will be four years of hell for me. I doubt it but y0u never know. And it doesn't help that I have no clue what to wear. How trivial and petty are my problems? And yet... It doesn't do to say that people elsewhere have bigger problems. I know that they do. But that doesn't go to say that my own little problems don't matter to me, now does it?
Anywho, wish me luck tomorrow!
oh, and Anna... did you get my letter yet? Just wondering :)

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