Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky was one of my sole purchases in Paris, and I bought it as an impulse buy from Shakespeare Book Company. I have to say, I had my doubts about it, because I just climbed the book ladder (which made me super excited, I've always wanted to!) and plucked it from the shelf. I finished it in two days in Paris, which is a big accomplishment, seeing as we were not in the apartment too long each day. This book has everything. Love, lust, drugs, abuse, friend issues, person issues. It really is just that great. It's about a kid, Charlie, making his way through his first year of high school. He learns to participate in life instead of standing on the sidelines.

Losing something is never fun. But regaining what you thought lost? Its amazing. Like losing touch with a friend and then you get back together and its so great because you never imagined it could be like this again. But it is. I just wonder if I've already lost it once, will it be that much easier to lose in the future? I hope not. I really hope not.

1 comment:

  1. When you think about it losing it may be just what you needed because once you find it again then it makes you appreciate it so much more and then you know never to lose it again right?
