Sunday, October 18, 2009


is the fear of words. Imagine! Being afraid of words. I can't imagine not having words at all. I need words, i crave them.

Today I am obsessed with fears. Mnemophobia- fear of memories. Sometimes I just don't want to remember. Fear? maybe. Doesn't everyone get this sometimes?

Omphalophobia- fear of belly buttons
Philophobia- fear of falling in love
Soteriophobia- fear of depending on someone
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- fear of long words (someone has a sense of humor)
Kakorrhaphiophobia- fear of failure or defeat
Allodoxaphobia- fear of opinions
Arachibutyrophobia- fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth

Some of these fears are silly and weird but if you stop to consider, there are hundreds of fears, rational and irrational. It only makes sense that there would be one for everyone. But which is mine? Soteriophobia? aichmophobia? (fear of needles) But for some reason, I am in love with the idea that these fears are all named. That they all exist. Don't ask me why, maybe stemmed of boredom?

NevershoutNever tonight! homecoming was last night. Grinding= not cool. Next year, im not going, because seeing all my friends grinding on everyone else, not exactly my scene. At. All. Concerts are more fun. Hopefully this one will live up to expectations.

1 comment:

  1. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. who ever created that word is mean. and i really hope nevershoutnever is going well. im obviously not there. say hi to chris for me? Because i miss him. :(
    and i just have to say it... I told you homecomning was a bad idea! maybe we could kill a concert together next year. that would be the best.
