Saturday, January 16, 2010


oh, Ive been neglecting my blog. I'm sorry. It's just I've been kind of busy lately, with homework and homework and clubs and cleaning my room and homework. Hm, what's the majority there?

anyway, I haven't been writing as many poems, or anything, lately. I have a couple, and I'll share just one for now. I'm trying to write more, but what can I write about? I need some inspiration to roll my way.

Also, Dear Yasmeen. I am terribly sorry about your note, and I'm an awful friend. I can't take orchestra next year because I have to take required classes. Health and computer apps. And I want to take AP euro, and I really want to take the art classes I'm signed up for. So. I know, it sucks. But alec told me he was proud of me. I miss you, Y!

Dear Anna, I'm glad to know my bird matches your room. And I'm also mad at the mailman. He keeps forgetting your letter. Hm...

Now, for the poem. It doesn't have a title, none of mine really do.

All those broken promises.
I sit awake and cry
my tears becoming rain
pitter-patter on the
sidewalk, in the trees.
My quiet breaths
the wind, silent but
filled with words unspoken.
My mascara streaked cheeks
sidewalk chalk running
from summer rain, gone.
All those broken promises
the leaves lying dead
and withered on the ground

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