Saturday, February 13, 2010

I've been reading. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bookworm, and even more so when the book is as amazing as this one was. My Sister's Keeper.

I finished it with tears running down my face. I kept them in my eyes for a good moment, too. For a few moments I couldn't quite see the words on the page. But gravity got the best of me, and my tears melted into my bed and my hands and fingers. I balanced one tear between two fingers. Have you ever tasted tears? I recycle them, like i have a bank that will someday run dry if I cry too much.

My Sister's Keeper was so amazing, I cant even describe it. I won't try to. All I'm going to say is that there are some moments of brilliance that you simply can't ignore. This book kept me up at night thinking about it. Past when I could keep my eyes open to focus on the words. But words arent the only thing telling this books story, which is the amazing part. Its the tears that I know people are shedding, the thoughts, and the dog-eared pages. its that feeling you get when you know the words to your favorite song. I don't know how to explain it. It just is.

I wear my books like honor badges. I read in the hallway, my nose constantly buried in a book. I am a true bookworm. Maybe the words protect me from the world. with a book in front of my face, I can be whoever I want. Or i don't have to be anybody at all. I'm hidden. One thing about My Sister's Keeper: the other kids felt invisible. I would hate it. But then again, being invisible has advantages.

I know this is really long. I can't help it. Sorry, and if you're still awake, next time I'll post a poem

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