Sunday, September 13, 2009

These violent delights

Have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume." -Romeo and Juliet

What a day. Not really. Seeing as it was the sunday before a big AP world history test, there was study group to get our charts done, and to generally prepare for the test. Same old, same old. I should study really hard, because I want an A really bad. Silly, I guess, but still.

Aujourd'hui, j'etudier pour francais, parce-que j'ai un interro de la porte demain.

"you're tripping over what is wrong and right" Autumn, Sparks the Rescue.

You know how people say they'll always be there for you? Well, I don't really believe that anymore. Because it's so hard to reach out to people who say they're there for you, if they don't reach out to you, too. I can't always be the one reaching, can I? Sooner or later, people will have to reach for me, too. And I'll always reach towards them, too. So why does it feel like sometimes, I'm reaching into empty space?

Inspired by Acton (an art exhibit at the IMA museum)
The illusion of having
of wanting, of owning
something quickly dispels,
and your hand finds nothing.
Reaching out in the dark,
the last step on a staircase
Not there in the dark.
A sickening thud
of something you thought
to be real
no longer there.

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