Breathe, I told myself again. Just let the air OUT of your lungs, and you'll be fine. Oh, no, I was not. Okay, okay. Making amends, I was better than fine. I was standing in front of what had to be the most perfect high school ever. If high school could actually be good.
See, two months earlier, I'd gotten a letter that informed me that I was to be on my way to Starway Art Academy. As in, perfect for me. But I hadn't applied, and yet here I was, loaded up with a full scholarship and my bags in hands, ready to start my freshman year of high school off right. At art school.
I stared up at the majestic school building. It was everything that one could imagine about a boarding school; The stone walls that reached higher than seemed possible. Sprawling green lawns with students milling around, and the castle-like appearance characteristic to all boarding school fantasies since Harry Potter.
I grabbed my bags and start towards the front office. I hadn't been able to fly out for the tour, so I was there a day before classes started to become acquainted with the school. So, there were minimal students there and I was free to wander around all day with a guide. Huh, what a contradictory statement. I gripped my bags harder and walked into the school.
Surprisingly well lit for the grand appearance, it was welcomingly cool. The front office was straight ahead, and the doors were contemporary glass, just as it had been at my old school. I walked in and the lady at the desk glanced up at me. She had the longest fingernails I had ever seen, pink and dangerous. I tried not to stare too much as I made my way up.
"Um, excuse me. I'm Jilla Camberry and I'm here for my schedule and room assignment." I looked away from those killer nails again.
"Yes, I have you right here, Jilla. I hope that you enjoy Starway, and welcome! Your roommate is Melody Barker and she's already up in your room. Ask her if you have any questions, because she was here for orientation. She's a freshman, just like you, so you might have some classes together. Your room is on the third floor. Elevator is on the left. Welcome to Starway!" She punctuated this with a smile and a wave of her killer-nailed hand. I half-smiled and took the schedule and papers from her. Before she looked down, I noticed that around her pupils is a strange sort of light. Almost as though her pupils were set back from the rest of her iris... I blinked and dragged myself and my things out the door to the elevator.
(obviously not the end of chapter one, and not the best writing I've ever done, but it's all I can hope to type at the moment. To be continued...)
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