Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


dear blogging world:
I'm in california! We took two planes, had a super long layover in Denver, and a nice long drive along highway 1 (look it up, its amazing) to our beachish house in Gualala, California. I can see the beautiful ocean from here, and some golden hills and green pines. There was a deer grazing in our yard when we came. Its pretty amazing so far.

I have internet, which is also amazing. I mean, I can live without it, but its nice that we have it anyway.
sadly, no cell service at all.
(anna, comment this post when you know the date)

Lots of love,
Emma, cali girl for two weeks

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Why does everyone and their sister have a tumblr now? Because tumbr has an easy layout and blah and there's more people following you and blah, but I'm pretty much stuck with blogspot. Though the idea of a tumblr is appealing, because more people will read what I have to say. But I dont know... switch time?

Yesterday was warped tour, and i think that I will be annoyingly talking about it all day. I:
saw 16 different bands
liked most of them
danced my ass off
kept my tube top on all day
didn't get sunburnt
met a cute guy
danced with him
sang along to my favorite songs
spent 5 bucks on a drink
had an amazing day
am already looking forward to next year
got sprayed with water

That's my rant, in list form. I leave for california in less than a week. In about two (ish) weeks, I will see my best friend again. How many years has it been? Four? Three? Five? Too many, darlin. I can't wait!

I'm going to put up my final work from writing camp soon. And catch up with all my 30-day letters. Which, sadly, I haven't even had time to WRITE let alone type. Sighh.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Forever the Sickest Kids
It was an amazing concert, because we waited outside for like three hours so we would get up super duper close for the concert. And we were. I was the second row.
But i have a few gross fun facts. Because it was about a million degrees in that room, and there were a million people, too, EVERYONE was sweaty. And let me tell you, sweaty hair sticks. Also, it is possible to prune your fingers with sweat. And It is possible to feel like you took a shower in sweat.

It was, of course, worth it. But I don't think I've ever lost so much bodily fluid in all my life.

Of course when I got home, I took the best shower of my life. Not even warped tour, outside, all day, in the sun, compares to the heat in that room.

But on another note, things that bother me. People who are assholes to you sometimes when clearly its not what you needed. And friends being assholes because they can and they're hot and cold and can't fucking decide to like you or not.

good night everyone, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA. You're such an old fart now. <3

Friday, July 2, 2010

No Day but Today

So lately I've just been posting my letters. But I post two or three at the same time, and for the record, I write them the day of, and post them later, when I have time.

Also, today, My grandmother, whom I call Oma, left today. I hate airports. They are depressing places full of goodbyes. At least all the recent time's I've been there. I always seem to miss the 'hello' part of visits. When Souki came, I was at my steel sculpture class. When my Oma came, I was working in southern Indiana. So the goodbye is all I get. I am horrible at it, too. I always choke up and cry.

Endings are so sad. Why was it too soon?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

DaY Ten

Dear person I don't talk to as much as I'd like,

You know, you are many different people. I'm indesicive, I can't choose. I talk to you lots bot not really. Youre close but far away. YOu're not just one person. So I'm not naming names here, but I'd like to talk to all of you more.

YOu, we know everything about each other, and that's amazing. You're amazing. But I do miss you when we're between letters.

YOu, we used to be soooo tight, and we do text sometimes and stuff, but TALK is something we do not do a lot. We chat, we chill. Let's talk

You, who should be in a different category

You, who act like its a fucking chore to hang with me, unless there's something in it for you. You are also a different category, and I can't help you being both.

You (tu), who I love and I miss and its hard to talk to you because often I don't know what to say, except I do love you and I want to be there with you instead of over here. I want to give you kisses on the cheek and hugs because I'm essentially american. But you're far away and six hours time makes a difference.

Love always,

Day Nine

dear person I'd like to meet,

God if i know who you are. You could be anyone in a month or a year. A person I want to meet today is different than next week, but that's the point, isnt it? Thirty days of who I am right now, who I am each day. a moving portrait of me.

Today I want to meet William Beckett. He's hot, he writes songs, and he sings. Those are my shallow reasons. I don't really have deep reasons. Anyone I'd want to really talk to, I dont know what I'd say. Thats what this letter is for, though. But honestly, I'd like to meet myself as a child. I'd like to know the childlike me, to convince myself I wasn't a little brat.

So, little me, I don't know you, but I'd like to. So come back.

Love always,